Wednesday, May 7, 2008

(nearly) wordless wednesday

this is captain adventure. do i really need to say anything else? he has such amazing energy. he makes me giggle...i really enjoy his company. he truly is a neat kid. i wish i could be inside his head sometimes...i'd like to be there so i could understand why he does the things he peeing on his bedroom floor instead of the in the toilet, or throwing rocks on poppy's roof, or standing in the bathroom sink, or spraying enough room spray in the bathroom that the floor is so wet that i have to get a bath towel to dry it...i just don't get it. he has been having a hard time lately...not sure why. i hope i can figure it out...i want him to enjoy life without causing such a ruckus with his shenanigans. he has such a cool personality. i don't want to crush his little spirit, but something has got to change.


wildhairmama said...

I think Captain Adventure and Wildhairboy are actually twins and not cousins. They sound exactly alike.