Monday, January 19, 2009

in case you haven't noticed

i've been on hiatus. life has been hectic here and although i've still been lurking and sometimes commenting at my favorite spots, i haven't been doing much with this place. sometime in the relatively near future i'll get back to posting...until then check out some of my favorite places over there on the right.


Debbie @ Three Weddings said...

Why yes, yes I have noticed. However, my blogging has been a little sparodic as well, so I really don't have much room to talk. Glad to hear from you even if it's just to say your busy. Hope things settle down soon or that your just crazy busy for good reasons!

Anonymous said...

I agree with debbie. i havent blogged in awhile. i think with the holidays now over i can get back to business and share some good tips w/my blog. i love your new look!! miss you....